How Do You Climb Your Mountain
How Do You Climb Your Mountain

How Do You Climb Your Mountain

You may ask how do I start climbing my mountain? That’s a really good question. I guess it’s just like trying to take a hike or take a walk. Think about it what do you have to do. The answer is simple you just put one foot in front of the other and then you are creating momentum. Momentum will carry you a long ways as long as you keep it going in the right direction. Many times in life we get momentum going in the wrong direction. How does that happen? We start thinking about moving forward but then doubt creeps in and we start thinking about why we can’t accomplish our goals, dreams, visions, in other words we forget that we can climb the mountain.

Just remember God would not give you a mountain to climb unless he knew you were able to climb it. Why do you think it’s called a mountain? We didn’t call or hill. We didn’t call it a pile. We didn’t say it was going to be easy, just worth it. We called it a mountain. No matter what the mountain is you can overcome it. And I have faith that you can get to the other side. What’s on the other side of your mountain? Your goal your dream and your vision.

So today while you’re reading this make the decision put one foot in front of the other. Start building your momentum in the right direction. Start moving towards your goal. Put away thoughts of doubt and fear. Remember, you are a child of the most high God the King and Creator of the universe there is nothing to difficult for you because there is nothing too difficult for Him.

I will talk to you tomorrow have a blessed and wonderful day. 

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