Perpetual Persistence Will Propel You
Perpetual Persistence Will Propel You

Perpetual Persistence Will Propel You

Perpetual Persistence Will Propel You To Success.  In life we hit what seems like a brick wall, but if we keep pushing against it and sooner or later it will give way.  Why because we never gave up.  Isn’t it that way it is with our dreams, goals and visions.  I can remember a time when I had a goal that was going to cost $10K and there was no way in the natural that I would ever be able to accomplish it.  BUT, I never gave up I kept moving forward.  The goal had a deadline and I had to meet it.  I kept pushing toward the goal. I kept saying “God you gave this to me and I am not going to stop till it is a reality”. And that is what I did. I was perpetual in my persistence of my God given goal. The week of the deadline everything fell into place and the goal became a reality. What goal are you going after? What Dream? What God given vision is driving you? I can tell you from experience if you keep moving forward even when the odds are not in your favor you will win.  Put the way the bible says. Faith is the title deed to what you want (Amplified Bible)  and if you pursue it you will have it.  
So today if you have goal, a dream or a vision perpetually pursue it and watch the mountains fall and the walls give way to what you are pursuing.
Have an amazing week.

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