I was watching this last weekend as several young men’s dreams, goals and visions came true for them before their very eyes. What am I talking about? The NFL draft. These young men didn’t get to where they were by just showing up on Draft Day. No they had to put in the work. They had to get up before anyone in their family and head to gym to strengthen their bodies. To develop and hone their skills to become the best that they could be and then push the limits to be better.
What is goal, your dream, your vision for your life? What are you doing to make yourself better? Are you putting in the time and the effort to become the very best that you can be and pushing yourself to do more?
If you are not I have great news for you. You can still change whether you are 9 or 109 you change, right now you can make the decision to be better than you have been. It will take some effort but you can get there. You can accomplish it. Here is what it takes. Stop putting off what you know that it takes to be your best self. I am talking to myself as much as I am to you. Put in the time, the effort, stretch yourself. There is an old saying if you will take the next 90 days and live like you have never lived before then at the end of that 90 days you can live like you never have before.
It only takes one thing the first step then the next and so on and so forth. It has been said the journey of a 1,000 mile starts with the first step.  I say the journey to change our lives begins with the first step.
Today, lets start that journey to better us. Look at your goal, dream and vision. Then determine what you have to change to accomplish it and then start today pushing yourself (ourselves) to accomplish it.
Be Blessed
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