God Give Me My Mountain
About Me

About Me

Let’s Get Acquainted

This is my first attempt at doing a blog site and I’m very excited about this.

The blogs that I will be posting come from
over 65 years of being on GOD’s beautiful planet and life in general. 

Just a little bit about me I am an Air Force veteran. I have had an amazing life. I have been the associate pastor of a little church in Mesquite Texas.  Although my life has been mostly amazing  it has been froth with experiences both good and bad.

I am currently working on my second book which I hope to have out very shortly. The title of that book will have the same title as this blog God Give Me My Mountain when you read the book you’ll understand what it means the title means.

Some of my life experiences include working in a large major ministry in Orlando Florida in the Director and producer role for a productions in a very large church there. I have also worked for a

major television station in North Texas,  as well as a world wide Christian television network in the DFW are.You may have just stumbled on this blog by accident or a friend of yours said “hey check out this blog site I found”. Either way we all know that God orchestrates nothing by accident if you’re here it is because you have a dream, you have a goal, and or you have a vision,. Either way you’re here and I hope that by reading these blogs your life will be enriched and your spirit will be lifted.  My prayer is that you will not be the same and that you will be forever changed.

I need to tell you right now I am a born-again spirit filled Christian and everything that I write in my blog is based on my experiences not only as just as a human being but also from my life as a Christian. And you will also hear me on many occasions as you read my blogs to invite my Jesus into your life as your Lord and  Savior.

This blog literally started out as a inspirational text message that I sent out to over 200 people every week a few years ago just before the pandemic hit. All of the people that were on my text messages have been invited to join this blog. And I can tell you that they will tell you that I have encouraged them in many ways. I’m not boasting on myself I am boasting on my God who actually is the one who gives me all the words that I share with you.

I have decided to do this blog so that it will reach out and touch more lives more often.

If you could do me an amazing favor if you like what you read please pass this blog website along to anybody that you know that has a so that they can be lifted and so that they can achieve their dreams, their goals and their visions.

As a visitor here, you are part of a fantastic community that seeks to be motivated, to be inspired, to be encouraged, and to be motivated to never give up on your dreams. 

My prayer is that you will be encouraged, you will be motivated to never ever ever give up. 

Come back everyday and get your “Daily Dose Of God Give Me My Mountain”.

Be Blessed 

Bill Hanke